How to Submit a Polkadot OpenGov referendum for a treasury proposal | Scribe

How to Submit a Polkadot OpenGov referendum for a treasury proposal

  • Anaelle |
  • 12 steps |
  • 55 seconds
  • JsJs
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Makes sure that the account used for submitting the OpenGov referendum has an on-chain identity and a free balance of 50+ DOT.
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Due to a recent runtime upgrade, there is a new procedure for submitting preimages for Treasury spends in DOT on Polkadot-JS Apps. Please refer to this [page](
Navigate to the main Referenda page: [](
Click "Submit proposal" to submit the OpenGov referendum.
Select the track that closely matches the amount of DOT you are requesting. More information about the tracks of Polkadot Opengov is available here: [](
Paste the Preimage hash and enter the Preimage length you previously saved.
Check that the value for "after number of blocks" is equal to or above 100.
Double-check all your entries and click "Submit proposal".
Click "Sign and Submit" to finalise your on-chain referendum submission.
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Once your submission is executed, your referendum will appear under your chosen track on the main referenda page.
Find your referendum on the main referenda page and click "Decision deposit" to open your referendum to community vote.
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The amounts required for a Decision deposit depend on the referendum track chosen. More information is available here: [](
Click "Place deposit".
Click "Sign and Submit" to finalise your OpenGov referendum submission.
Click on the arrow on the right-hand side of your OpenGov referendum.
Click on the symbol for "Polkassembly" or "Subsquare" to be directed to the referendum post. You will need to log into either of these platforms with the account that submitted the OpenGov referendum and edit the Title and Description automatically generated.
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Once you have provided the contextual information for your treasury proposal, you can announce your OpenGov referendum in the Polkadot Direction channel and invite the community to review and vote. Polkadot Direction Channel: [](