How to Subtract in Google Sheets | Scribe

    How to Subtract in Google Sheets

    • 6 steps |
    • 10 seconds
    • Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    Sign in to your Google account and go to <>
    Click on the cell where you want to see the result of the subtraction. If the values you wish to subtract are in, say, the cells A2 and B2, then select C2.
    Type [[=]] and click on the cell with the value you want to subtract from. In this example, it’s B2. You can also type the cell value in the formula bar below the toolbar.
    After selecting the cell with the value you want to subtract from, it will appear in the result cell and the formula bar right below the toolbar. Type [[-]] next to the cell value or n the formula bar.
    Select the cell with the value you want to subtract. In this example, it’s A2. The cell value will also appear in the result cell and in the formula bar. You can also type the cell value directly in the formula bar.
    Press [[enter]]. The result of the formula will appear in the cell selected in the first place. In this example, it’s C2.