How to Use BlackBoard AI Design Assistant to Generate Questions
Adam Palczewski |
11 steps |
51 seconds
First, we will click on the 'plus' sign and click 'Create' to create a new test.
Once the sidebar opens, scroll down and click on "Test" to create your new test.
Click on the 'plus' to bring up this menu. Click on "Auto-generate question" to start using this AI Design Assistant Tool.
Click on the "Description" field, and enter your key words or ideas to help the AI Design Assistant to generate questions.
There are a variety of question types to choose from. Under 'Question Type', click on 'Inspire Me!' to get this drop down menu. You may click on any of the 6 options to generate questions of that type.
The 'Inspire me!' question type creates a combination of all of the other kinds of question types. This may be useful for creating a wider variety of questions for a quiz or test in a shorter amount of time.
You can change the complexity of the questions generated by the AI Design Assistant by moving the slider under the heading 'Complexity' between the 'Low' and 'High' options.
You can change the number of generated questions from between 1 to 10 using the slider under the heading 'Number of questions'.
Once you have typed in your prompt, selected the type of question you would like, as well as the number of questions and their complexity, click "Generate" to generate the questions with the AI Design Assistant.
It may take a few tries to generate questions using the AI Design Assistant. Please be aware this is a known issue.
When the questions are generated, you may select the questions you would like to add by pressing on the checkbox beside the question.
Make sure to review these questions. There is a chance that the AI Design Assistant 'hallucinates' and provides incorrect or partially correct information, so make sure to edit these errors if need be.
Once you have selected the questions you would like to include in your test, at the bottom of the page, you will find the 'Add to Assessment' button. Click on it.
Congratulations! You have added questions generated by the AI Design Assistant into a new test!