How to Use Importrange in Google Sheets | Scribe

    How to Use Importrange in Google Sheets

    • Alai Umerez |
    • 15 steps |
    • 39 seconds
      Look for the Google Apps icons at the top right corner of your browser
      To access the Google Sheets application, simply click on the "Sheets" option
      Open the specific Google Sheets document you wish to work with or select "Blank Spreadsheet" to create a new document
      Click the button
      In your new spreadsheet, click on the top-left cell where you want the imported data to appear This cell will serve as the top-left corner of your imported range
      information ordinal icon
      Note: The importrange formula is: **=IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet_url", "range_string")**
      Begin your formula by typing `=IMPORTRANGE(` A drop-down menu with available functions will appear. You can also select the"IMPORTRANGE" option from here
      Obtain the URL of the source spreadsheet containing the data you want to import To do this, go to the original spreadsheet, highlight the full URL, right-click, and select "Copy"
      Return to your new spreadsheet and paste the URL into your function, enclosed in quotation marks (`"`)
      Once the URL is pasted and enclosed in quotation marks, add a comma (,) and open new quotation marks
      Go to the source spreadsheet and identify the data range that you want to import For this specific exercise, I'll be importing all the information highlighted, meaning I'll be using the range B2:D12
      information ordinal icon
      **Tips for specifying the range string!** - If the sheet name contains spaces or numbers, enclose it in single quotes (`'`). - If you don’t specify a sheet name, the function will default to the first sheet in the workbook. - You can import a single cell by excluding the colon and specifying just one cell (e.g., `SheetName!A1`).
      Specify the selected range and, once your formula is ready, make sure to add a closing parenthesis to complete it
      Press [[Enter]]
      The first time you use the function, you may see a `#REF!` error This happens because you need to grant access to the original spreadsheet
      Follow the on-screen prompts to allow access, and the data will appear
      Review your data