How to Use Rent-to-Own Ratio Data in BrightInvestor | Scribe

    How to Use Rent-to-Own Ratio Data in BrightInvestor

    • Drew McCluskey |
    • 12 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • BrightinvestorBrightinvestor
    Search for your desired location in the "Enter Address, Zip Code, or City" field and press **Enter.**
    In **Step 1** of the sidebar that appears, select **Rent-to-Own.**
    In **Step 2** of the sidebar, select the *Data Type* you want to view. For this search, we'll press **Rent-To-Own Ratio**.
    Let's set the *Year* field to **2021** so we can display recent data.
    You can also choose your *Data Boundary* as either **Zip Code** or **City By Zip Code.** For this example, we'll set it to **City By Zip Code.**
    If all the filters match your criteria, we're ready to view the data! Click **Generate Map.**
    In **Step 3** of the sidebar, you can view a pie chart separating renters and owners. You can also **hover** your mouse over the chart and find the number of occupants.
    On an orange to blue scale, the map is colored so you can easily compare the dominant group in a zip code. **Hover** your mouse over the map and see their percentages.
    Lastly, you can add the generated data as a **Layer.** This will allow you to stack data types on your map. Let's click that now.
    Enter your *Layer Name* and click **Save**.
    When you want to view your *Rent to Own Layer* in the future, click the **Layers** button. You can show/hide and delete layers here.
    That's it! You can now click on "Start New Data Search" to continue your market research.