How to Use Sudowrite for Writing Stories | Scribe

    How to Use Sudowrite for Writing Stories

    • Scott Colenutt |
    • 25 steps |
    • 9 minutes
    • SudowriteSudowrite
    For this exercise **you're going to set up a new account** with Sudowrite.\ \ Navigate to[Sudowrite.]( If you already have an account, create a new project from your dashboard and skip to step 7.
    Click "**Try Sudowrite for free**".
    Create an account by logging in with Google or Facebook, or creating a new account with your email address.
    When you log in for the first time, you'll be greeted by the Sudowrite writing assistant for a quick platform demonstration. \ \ Complete the tutorial by following the instructions.
    The end of the tutorial will look like this. \ \ Click the '**Start Writing**' button.
    You'll be prompted to tell Sudowrite to share your writing goal.\ \ Feel free to add whatever you like here, but if you're stuck, just enter, 'Summarising my week as a story' as that's what we're going to be doing in this exercise.
    **Give your story the title** by clicking where it says 'Untitled'.\ \ Name your story '**My week in AI**'.
    Click where it says '**Type here...**'\ \ **Copy and paste the following text** to get your story started, replacing 'Max' with your name.\ \ ---\ \ My name is Max. \ \ This week, my intention was to spend at least 30 minutes a day learning something new about copywriting with AI. \ \ Today, I sat down at my desk, took a sip of coffee and then something totally unexpected happened.
    Now it's time to experience the power of Sudowrite's AI co-writing assistant.\ \ Click your cursor on a new line below the text you've just pasted in.\ \ Click '**Write**' in the main menu.
    Sudowrite's writing assistant will now make suggestions on how to continue your story!\ \ On the right-hand side of the page, **scroll through the suggestions and find the one you like best**.\ \ Click '**Insert**'.
    The text you've inserted will now appear in your editor.
    Time to test Sudowrite's rewrite functionality. \ \ Highlight the last paragraph of your story and click the '**Rewrite**' button that appears above the highlighted text.
    On the right-hand menu you'll now see the text you've selected to rewrite. \ \ Rephrase your final paragraph by **selecting the 'Rephrase' option and clicking** '**Go!**'
    information ordinal icon
    Clicking this drop-down menu will also allow you several other AI editing options. Feel free to explore them as you create a story for today's lesson.
    Rephrased variations of your final paragraph will appear. \ \ Select a variation you like and **click 'Insert' to add this rephrased copy into your story.**
    You'll see in the editor that your rephrased copy has replaced the original copy.
    Let's repeat this process one more time to continue your story. \ \ Back in the editor, click onto a new line.
    Click the **'Write'** button in the main menu.
    Browse the writing suggestions on the right-hand menu and **click 'Insert' on the one you like most.**
    Let's end your story by rewriting the final paragraph.\ \ Highlight your final paragraph and **click the 'Rewrite' button that appears above the highlighted text**.