How to View and Download Visitor Log Reports | Scribe

    How to View and Download Visitor Log Reports

    • AccushieldAccushield
    Navigate to <>
    Click "Reports" & "Visitor Log / Ledger"
    Click on the calendar icon or in the defaults date range to adjust the dates for the information show.
    The arrows allow you to move into the past or future. Clicking the year (2024) will allow you to jump quickly to a different year or month.
    Click the "All" dropdown to see the variety of ways you can filter the data to search for something specific. For instance, if you want to view every person that visited a specific resident, you'd choose the Resident filter and type their name into the search box. If you do search, remember to hit "Submit"
    This report shows sign-in & out times, duration of the visit, visitor's name, their phone number, their visitor type, which device they sign-in at, which company they work for (if a vendor), their reason for visit and the shift ID (if an agency worker) If your Kiosk is set to take security photos during sign-in, you can view those by clicking the camera icon.
    If you want to download this information, click "Export"
    You'll then click "View Exports," where we save every export request.
    Once the export if Completed (it may take a few moments depending on the size of the report), click the blue downward arrow to download the report onto your computer.