Adding to an existing Personal Health Plan – Adding a Partner or Dependents
2 minutes
This document will illustrate the process for adding a partner and/or dependent to an existing Personal Health Plan.
**Partner:** The partner of the Policyholder by marriage or a cohabitated common-law relationship. Sometimes referred to as a Spouse.
**Dependent** means a Policyholder or Partner's:\
• unmarried child up to 18 years of age.\
• unmarried child up to 25 years of age who is a Full Time Student.\
• child who due to a physical or mental infirmity cannot leave the care of the Policyholder or Partner.
Login to your Personal Health Plan Advisor Portal
Navigate to <>.
Login to your Individual Advisor Portal.
Click **"Apply"** to start a new application.
Getting started
Before getting started, please confirm that *all* applicants have provincial health coverage and currently have, or have applied for, a Saskatchewan Health Services Card.
Click **"Yes"** to confirm and proceed.
Click **"No"** to leaving coverage.
**Note:** Click **'Yes'** when applying for a *new* **Conversion Personal Health Plan.**
Click **'Yes'** to apply to **add a partner or dependent child(ren)** to an existing policy.
In the designated field, input the existing policy number or ID number.\
**Note:** Refer to the grey **"?"** tool tip icon for assistance in locating the member's policy or ID number.
Choose the **"BLUE CHOICE"** plan if the current policy is a Blue Choice **or** Conversion Plan.
- Blue Choice plans require medical underwriting.
- Conversion Plans offer guaranteed coverage only if applied for within 60 days of losing group coverage. Adding a partner or dependents to a policy beyond 60 days of losing group benefits necessitates medical underwriting.
Select the **"GUARANTEED ACCEPTANCE**" plan if the current policy is a Guaranteed Acceptance plan, which does not necessitate medical underwriting.
Click **"GET STARTED"** to proceed.
Fill out the required fields for the Policyholder.
Primary Plan Member Information
Complete the required fields for the Policyholder and click **'Save Applicant'**.
Adding a Partner
Click **'Yes'** to add a Partner to the application.\
**Partner:** The partner of the Policyholder by marriage or a cohabitated common-law relationship. Sometimes referred to as a Spouse.
Complete the required fields for the Partner and click **'Save Partner'**.
After clicking '**Save Partner'** a notice will appear, reminding the applicant to complete the medical questions for ***ALL*** individuals listed on the application.
Adding a Dependent
Click **'Yes'** to add a dependent child to the application.
**Dependent** means a Policyholder or Partner's:\
• unmarried child up to 18 years of age.\
• unmarried child up to 25 years of age who is a Full Time Student.\
• child who due to a physical or mental infirmity cannot leave the care of the Policyholder or Partner.