How to add corner notches in the Glass Designer (Metric) | Scribe

    How to add corner notches in the Glass Designer (Metric)

    • 6 steps
    • SmartglazierSmartglazier
    Enter your glass makeup details, then click **"Shape"**
    Click to select the **"Smart-Shape''** option.
    Underneath the shape options, you will now see an image of the glass pane. Click on any of the squares next to the four corners, or the rectangle at the top, to add notches.
    For example, if you need a single corner notch in the top left hand corner, click the square next to the top Left Hand corner and select **''Single''**.
    Repeat as needed until all required corner notches have been added.
    Enter dimensions and any out-of-squares for each edge. *Hint: You can enter dimensions against the diagram, or use the Measurement fields on the Left Hand side.*