How to complete Peppers Submission Checklist | Scribe

    How to complete Peppers Submission Checklist

    • Jarred Davies |
    • 8 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • NivohubNivohub
    • JotformJotform
    In Swan: Click 'Create Case'
    In Swan: Click 'Secured Messaging Home' - Which takes you into Nivo
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    Once the Nivo case is created, there should be a Jotform link in the conversation for you to access for that particular case.
    Click the URL
    Answer all the questions in relation to your applicant(s) then hit submit
    Answer all the questions in relation to your applicant(s) then hit submit
    Click into Nivo and Click 'Open The Case' (Blue button)
    Click into Nivo and Click 'Open The Case' (Blue button)
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    Remember: before doing anything with the case it is important that you assign yourself to the case
    Click 'Assign agent' and select your name
    Click 'Assign agent' and select your name
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    You are now ready to work the case! Either: - Drag and drop documents you already have - Answer the questions (where pepper need an explanation)
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    To answer the question / provide details: - Click 'Answer Question' - Enter text into the 'Draft Message' box - Click 'Save'
    - Click "Answer question" - Type Answer - Click "Save"
    - Click "Answer question"
- Type Answer 
- Click "Save"
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    When you have finished reviewing the documents and answers please forward all the documents to Pepper Money by clicking 'Forward All' - Feel free to also send them a message (if you want)
    Click 'Forward all' Close to the main page and 'Type a message' to Pepper Money
    Click 'Forward all'
Close to the main page and 'Type a message' to Pepper Money
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    Pepper will use Nivo to communicate with you directly and add additional tasks if needed
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    Pepper Money will not see any of the documents until you've forwarded them over.