How to create a Service Request in NetVendor Maintenance | Scribe

    How to create a Service Request in NetVendor Maintenance

    • Tony Terjeson |
    • 13 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • ServusconnectServusconnect
    Navigate to the dashboard of NetVendor Maintenance <>
    Creating a service request in NetVendor Maintenance is easy. From the dashboard, in the top left of the screen, click on the plus sign.
    Type a title for the Service Request such as "Kitchen sink is leaking"
    Next, search for a unit or resident by clicking this magnifying glass icon.
    You can search for the resident by unit or by name. If you know the unit number simply enter it and hit enter. Alternatively, tap on a unit number.
    alert ordinal icon
    If you click on the unit number, then the remaining fields will be left blank and must be manually entered.
    Instead, find the resident button located to the right and click on it. The resident or residents name or names will pop up.
    Click on the correct name to automatically populate all the resident information in the Service request.
    Now, in the service professionals drop down, select the service professional you want to assign the service request to.
    This list includes all service professionals that you have enabled on your property.
    Next, select the severity level of the request.
    Select the severity level.
    Finally, you may enter a more detailed description of the issue in the apartment if you would like. This step is recommended but not required.
    After that, simply click on request to create the work order. And that is how easy it is to create a service request.