How to customize "My Tasks" in Asana to make it be your own Virtual Assistant? | Scribe

    How to customize "My Tasks" in Asana to make it be your own Virtual Assistant?

    • AsanaAsana
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    \[UPDATE FEBRUARY2024\] Asana has incorporated this framework into their own intelligence uses, so you will no longer need to setup this rules in My Task in Asana.

    Customize My Tasks

    Login to Asana, and Navigate to "My Tasks".
    Rename your sections to: • Backlog. • Today. • Next Week. • Overdue. • Completed.
    Rename your sections to:

• Backlog.
• Today.
• Next Week.
• Overdue.
• Completed.
    Click "Customize" in the top right corner of "My Tasks" to set up automation rules.
    Click "Customize" in the top right corner of "My Tasks" to set up automation rules.
    You will use "Create custom rule".
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    Set custom rules for your tasks in "My Tasks" so that Asana helps you maintain your tasks in order with less time.
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    ⚠️ Important: These rules work time based. Asana’s clock is determined by your computer’s time zone setting. If you go on vacation or travel abroad and your computer time zone changes, your timezone in Asana will also change. This means that all automation (rules) from "My Tasks" that you set up with this approach will run at midnight your timezone.
    💡 Always rename your rules so you know what they are about.
    ⚡ Rule #1: Tasks Do Today. Trigger #1: "Due date is approaching" + "1 day before". Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Today". Save > Click "Create rule".
    ⚡ Rule #1: Tasks Do Today.

Trigger #1: "Due date is approaching" + "1 day before".
Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Today".

Save > Click "Create rule".
    Click "When any of these triggers happen"
    Click "Actions"
    Click here.
    Click "Backlog"
    Click "Do today"
    Click "Create rule"
    ⚡ Rule #2: Tasks Do Next Week. Trigger: "Due date is approaching" + "1 week before". Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Next Week". Save > Click "Create rule".
    ⚡ Rule #2: Tasks Do Next Week.

Trigger: "Due date is approaching" + "1 week before".
Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Next Week".

Save > Click "Create rule".
    ⚡ Rule #3: Tasks Overdue. Trigger: "Task Overdue" + "1 day after". Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Overdue". Save > Click "Create rule".
    ⚡ Rule #3: Tasks Overdue.

Trigger: "Task Overdue" +  "1 day after".
Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Overdue".

Save > Click "Create rule".
    ⚡ Rule #4: Tasks Completed. Trigger: "Completion status". Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Completed". Save > Click "Create rule".
    ⚡ Rule #4: Tasks Completed.

Trigger: "Completion status".
Action: Move task "To a section" + Click "Completed".

Save > Click "Create rule".
    Select by default view "Incomplete tasks".