How to customize cutouts in the Shower Designer | Scribe

    How to customize cutouts in the Shower Designer

    • 7 steps
    • SmartglazierSmartglazier
    Enter measurements and apply your hardware. **Select** any fitting/cutout on the diagram to edit the dimensions/offsets.
    Click **"Edit Cutout''** to edit the cutout dimensions or offsets.
    You can change positioning/dimensions by editing the cutout diagram. To do this, hover your mouse over the cutout diagram in the bottom Right-Hand corner and click **"Swap Diagram"**.
    You can now interact with the cutout diagram in the centre to update dimensions or positioning of the cutout. To do this, click on any of the numbers on the diagram and enter a new value.
    Alternatively, you can use the fields on the Left to edit the cutout dimensions, or positioning. For example: If the hinge needs to be offset from the top by 8-1/2", click into the **''Offset to cutout centre''** field and enter 8-1/2.
    As you make changes to the fields on the left, the diagram will update accordingly.
    Click on another fitting/cutout on the diagram to edit the positioning/dimensions for that cutout.