How to design showers with a transom or head gap | Scribe

    How to design showers with a transom or head gap

    • 10 steps
    • ObeObe
    • SmartglazierSmartglazier

    Design a new shower with a transom or head gap

    In the "**Layout Template"** tab, select a filter option for **''Transom''**
    On the right-hand side of the screen, you will now see layout templates for the transom option that you selected. **Double-click** on a layout diagram to select it.
    Enter measurements for each side, including any out-of-squares. The measurement you enter for the height (A) should be the combined height of the door and the transom (or head gap).
    Click on the question mark **(?)** next to the Transom/Head Gap *or* the Door to specify the height of either the Transom/Head Gap or Door. Once you enter the height for one of these, the software will auto-calculate the height of the remaining panel (Transom/Head Gap or Door).
    If you want to change the Transom type, right-click on the Transom / Head Gap panel in the diagram.
    From the Right-Click menu, you can swap between the different transom types (Fixed, Operable or Head Gap) or remove the transom.

    Add a transom or head gap to an existing shower

    To add a transom or head gap to an existing shower, click on the **"Layout"** tab.
    Select from Operable Transom, Transom or Head Gap. You can **double-click** to add this option to your layout, or **drag and drop** it onto your Door Panel.
    Select from Operable Transom, Transom or Head Gap.

You can **double-click** to add this option to your layout, or **drag and drop** it onto your Door Panel.
    Click **"Design"** to enter measurements for the Transom.
    Click on the question mark **(?)** on the diagram to enter a height for the Transom/Head Gap or the Door. The remaining height will auto-calculate.