How to draft Non-Renewal / MTM Termination Notice | Scribe

    How to draft Non-Renewal / MTM Termination Notice

    • Laurie Trudeau |
    • 11 steps |
    • 32 seconds
    • MyresmanMyresman
    Navigate to [](
    Click Tools > "Form Letters"
    Under the "General Notices - TX/FL/SC" subject line. Click "Non Renewal / Non Renewal of End of Lease /MTM Termination, depending on the resident's situation. **Non Renewal** - Will be issued 60 days before at any time during the residents lease contact. **Non Renewal at End of Lease** - Will be issued 60 days before their Lease Contact as a "Non Renewal". **MTM Termination** - Will be issued if a the resident is under a MTM only and we would like to terminate their month to month terms.
    Do not adjust any settings under the "Run Form Letter" section.
    Unselect "Main contacts only" field as we would like all Leaseholders listed on the notice.
    Under Units click "Select options" and select the unit/s number you would like to draft a notice.
    Click "Get Recipients"
    After you click Get Recipients **on the right side of your screen you will see the Unit and Residents Name**. This list will give you an overview of who you generate a notice for.
    After you review the list, scroll to the bottom under "Custom Fields" and enter the Date of when the resident should Vacate. Example: 12/31/2023
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Ensure that you are providing the resident 60-Days in advance from the Date of the Notice and the Date of Termination.
    Click "Print". Resman will generate the notices in a Word Document > Open the Word Document, review your notices, and Print.
    Sign and Certify how the notice will be delivered to the resident. Upload a copy of the Signed notice to the resident's Documents in Resman.