How to edit endpoints in BirdDog Cloud | Scribe

    How to edit endpoints in BirdDog Cloud

    • Jan Grimestad |
    • 12 steps |
    • 44 seconds
    • BirddogBirddog
    Right-click on endpoint, in this case "BDHQ - Ryzen 1"
    Click "Edit"
    Click the "Remarks" field.
    Type "Some remarks" if you want to give some notes about the EP. That could be things like physical location, what kind of hardware it as etc.
    Click "Settings"
    Click the Recording Directory to set or change the recording directory the EP use to record locally. NB! Must be set, and set to a valid absolute path. Click the "Thumbnail Refresh Interval" field to change thumbnail interval, type 0 to turn thumbnails off.
    Click the "Local IP" field. This can be used to manipulate SRT traffic on local networks. IF 2 EP have this set, they will try to connect to each other on those ip adresses.
    Click the "Public IP override" field. This can be used to manipulate the public ip address that 2 EP will use to connect to each other over WAN. BirdDog Cloud use external services to try to resolve what public ip address the Endpoint has, and entering the ip address here will prevent the EP from trying to use those services. Please refer to the Networking documents found [here](
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! Endpoints can also be edited via the Company --> Endpoint list.
    Click on the kebab menu.
    Click "Company"
    Click "Endpoints"
    Click on the edit button to open the Endpoint settings.