How to enter multiple segments of DCA parameters onto Analog table | Scribe

    How to enter multiple segments of DCA parameters onto Analog table

    • Randy Strauss |
    • 27 steps |
    • 2 minutes
      Select the Asset. In this case it is an Asset created for this example.
      Observe that there are no analogs for this Asset. Select the DCA Type with a left-click on the oil1 production column.
      Select an analog from the list. This example is using a hyperbolic first. Select HYPERBOLIC.
      The default b Factor for a hyperbolic is .5 however this example is going to change that value. Select the oil1 b Factor input field.
      This example is using a .3 b Factor. Double left-click the field, type ".3" then press the enter key. Now select the oil1 Dei field.
      Double left-click the Dei field, type "500" and then press the enter key. Select the End Date field.
      This example is using December 31, 2025 as the end of the hyperbolic. Double left-click the oil1 End Date field, type "Dec 31 2025" and press the enter key.
      Observe the calculated Seg. Rem, REM and EUR. This new Asset does not have any history therefore no Prior Cum. My analog starts at the Production Start Date so there is not a back forecast, i.e. the portion of the analog before the PSD that can supplement the Prior Cum value when there is no history.
      Right-click on the oil1 analog that has been created. to display the pop-up menu. Do this anywhere but on the Unit field because this field has its own pop-up menu. Select Add Stream Segment.
      This example will be adding a second analog that produces flat for a period of time. Left-click the DCA type of the added stream segment.
      Select FLAT.
      Observe that the ending date and the ending rate from the first segment are automatically added (green for a reference) to the analog. Also a flat analog gets a 0% Dei. Select the End Date field of this second analog.
      Double click the End Date field, type "Jun 1 2026" and press the enter key.
      Observe the multiple calculated values. Also note that the EUR is cumulative while the REM is not.
      To add the third segment, right-click on the second analog except the Unit field. Select Add Stream Segment.
      Select EXPONENTIAL.
      Select the Dei field to input the decline rate.
      This example is going to create a reference to the ending decline of the hyperbolic. This is being done to provide additional knowledge. Don't try to interpret the logic. Right-click on the first segment's Dend field.
      Select Reference Copy.
      right-click the third segment's Dei field.