How to filter records in Airtable | Scribe

    How to filter records in Airtable

    • Victoria Tokarz |
    • 7 steps |
    • 20 seconds
    • AirtableAirtable
    Navigate to [](
    Open the desired table and click "Filter".
    Next, you'll adjust the filters according to the records you want to see. Begin by selecting the field you wish to filter by. In this case, select "Category".
    Next, you'll adjust the filters according to the records you want to see. Begin by selecting the field you wish to filter by. In this case, select "Category".
    Refine your filter by specifying which records you want to view. In this case, select "Brand identity" to filter all records where the category is Brand identity.
    Refine your filter by specifying which records you want to view. In this case, select "Brand identity" to filter all records where the category is Brand identity.
    To further refine your results, click "Add condition" to add another set of filtering rules.
    To filter for records where "Complete" is checked, select the category "Complete" and then click the check box.
    To filter for records where "Complete" is checked, select the category "Complete" and then click the check box.
    Click away from the filter menu to view all of the records that satisfy the filters you've chosen.