How to find volunteer opportunities in your area | Scribe
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    How to find volunteer opportunities in your area

      Feeding America

      Navigate to [](
      Fill out your information to find volunteer opportunities in your area.
      Click "Your nearest Feeding America member food bank is:"
      You will be shown local food banks. Click "Learn more about volunteer opportunities."
      Click "SIGN UP" to volunteer at your local food bank.

      Toys for Tots

      Navigate to [](
      Click "Find A Local Campaign"
      Select your state and city/county to find local opportunities.
      Click "Donate a Toy"
      You'll see a list of local toy drop off locations. Pick the one that is best for you!

      Meals on Wheels

      Go to [](
      Type in your zip code and click "Go."
      You'll see a list of local volunteer opportunities. Click one to learn more.
      Here you'll see the different volunteer options.
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