How to launch the Mac desktop app for the first time | Scribe

    How to launch the Mac desktop app for the first time

    • ScribeScribe
    In Finder, navigate to your Applications folder where your Scribe Desktop app is, if you haven't already
    Double click "Scribe Desktop" to open up the app for the first time
    information ordinal icon
    The app will live in the blue menu bar at the very top of your Mac screen, and every time you create a Scribe, it will open up your browser for edits.
    You will be prompted to make sure you have the correct permissions toggled on in order for Scribe desktop to work. Open up the preferences and ensure the checkbox next to Scribe is ticked for both types
    Click "Open System Preferences"
    Check to make sure Scribe has this permission. If not, unlock the panel (click the lock icon on the lower left of the window and input your Mac password) and give Scribe this permission
    Once you're down, exit out of the app
    Click "Open Screen Recording Preferences" and do the same actions as above
    Up top is where your Scribe desktop app now lives! Note, it will not open up an application window
    Click the Scribe icon to open up the app and sign in
    A window will open to ask for your authorization. Click "Approve"
    Click "Open Scribe Desktop"
    You're in! Now you can start capturing anywhere on your desktop by clicking this icon and then the "Start Recording" button. You can also visit your workspace by clicking "Visit Workspace"