Navigate to your Gmail inbox
Click "Compose" - Create a "Draft" E-mail you will be using for Mail Merge\ Click here.\ Note - subject fields are what you are going to be replaced in the e-mails from the Google Sheets. Goto 2nd step to start the process.
Tip! Here's a Google Mail Merge Link that can be helpful [](
Heads Up! Create a copy of the sample mail merge and change the info for your subject fields
Click "Make a copy" Change Subject fields that you are going to replace on Google sheets.
Click "Continue"
Heads Up! It will ask you to login to your e-mail that you will be sending from
Click "Allow" to grant access
Click "Mail Merge" Click "Send Emails"
Enter in the Subject Title that you are using from the draft e-mail. Click "Ok"
Here you can see that the e-mail was sent