How to order your Level 3 Custom NICA Helmet from Trek
NICA Support Team |
4 steps |
15 seconds
Google Docs
Navigate to [](
Click the white "Courses, Resources & Benefits" button on your Pit Zone dashboard.
On the bottom right side of your NICA Education Center dashboard, click the "Level 3 Custom NICA Helmet from Trek" link.
Complete the form and submit it to Trek. Ensure that all information is correct and up to date.
Before you submit your form, double check your helmet size using Trek's helmet size guidelines. **Better yet, try on a trek helmet at a local retailer to see which size fits you best!**
Helmets ship MONTHLY from Trek's warehouses around the country. Please be patient and allow at least 6 weeks for shipping.
*Questions regarding shipping, returns, and other details can be directed to Todd VandeBerg* \[[email protected]\]