**Project Status Update template:**
This project is {insert status} and {one live summary why that status}
This month we discussed with the client \__\_
**What we’ve accomplished**\
Provide a clear paragraph with a summary of what has been accomplished with this project within the last month.
**What's blocked**\
- When the project is **On track**, this area should be empty.
- When the project is **At risk**, hyperlink the "project delays" and provide what are the actions to take next to go back on track.
- @mention team members when their attention is required in the project.
- Make sure to have tasks in place for the action steps to take in order to take care of the issues.
- When the project is **Off track**, provide a clear detail what happened that put this project Off track, indicate what has happened since last Status Update that lead this project to go Off track without taking action for risks, and if no actions were taken provide details of the reasons.
**Next steps**
Outline the action steps to take with this project.