How to register into MSBL Inclusive (App Guide) | Scribe

    How to register into MSBL Inclusive (App Guide)

    • Jeremy Ramintas |
    • 20 steps |
    • 37 seconds
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      Before proceeding download and install the Basketball Connect app from the App store (Apple) or Play Store (Android/Google)
      Open up the Basketball Connect App. If you do not have an account - register as a new user. If you already have an account on Basketball Connect log-in with relevant details.
      Click on the "More" icon.
      Scroll down until you see the 'Register' option. Then tap on register.
      Tap here.
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      If you have registered on this system before, yourself or child/client may appear as an existing member to click on and register
      Make sure you click the appropriate option. For this exmaple, we are registering on behalf of someone (non-family member).
      When choosing to register on behalf of someone that is not a family member, you are prompted with this disclaimer. Hit "Continue"
      Fill out all the relevant participant details.
      After filling out all details, hit "Next"
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      If you are registering as a parent/or guardian you will be prompted to enter those details. If you are registering yourself, you will be prompted to enter emergency contact details.
      After filling out the participant details we now need to register into the competition. Click on "Please Select"
      You should now be able to type the competition - MSBL Inclusive. In the example, I've started to type MSBL and, the competition pops up in the list. Tap on "MSBL Inclusive"
      Scrolling down you should see the competition the MSBL Inclusive competitions. In this example, we click on MSBL Inclusive | 2024 Spring | State Basketball Centre (Wayville), which is the Thursday competition.
      You will be taken to pick a membership product to register into. Click the "BSA | Domestic Fee | 2025 - Player" field.
      Click on registration divisions. Now you'll choose the competition you participate in.
      In this example, we are registering into the J-Grade on Thursdays at the State Basketball Centre (Wayville).\ \ Scroll down to Click "ADD COMPETITION AND MEMBERSHIP"
      You will now be taken to an additional personal information page to fill out. You must answer all questions.\ \ If the participant does not have any medical conditions etc, or take any regular medications type na or nil. If they do please enter accurate information.\ \ Once fields entered, Click "ADD COMPETITION AND MEMBERSHIP"
      You will be taken to an order screen. If your child has not registered with Basketball South Australia for 2024 you will need to pay a Basketball SA membership fee ($26.79) & Basketball Australia levy ($5.50). If your child has a membership that has not expired you will not be prompted to pay this fee.\ \ Scroll down to continue the registration process.
      Here you will see the details of the order.\ \ To be taken to payment - Click the "I have read and agree to all of the above Terms and Conditions" field and then Click "CONTINUE"