Login to the [client dashboard](https://clients.nurole.com/)
Click "Manage interviews"
Click "New meeting round"
Select the role you're scheduling interviews for using the drop down menu
Enter the title of your interview e.g. First stage interview
Enter the length of the interview in minutes
In Person / Video Call Interviews
Click "In person" to highlight it green
Enter the address the interview is being held at
Click "Video call" to highlight it green and select the interview attendees from the list
Select "Receives updates" if you'd like to be notified via email when a candidate selects their interview date and time
Click "Add someone else" if you'd like to add additional interview attendees not already on the list
Enter the details of the additional person attending the interview
Under "Support Contact", please add the contact details of the person at your organisation who is managing these interviews
Click "Add"
Click "Create meeting round"
Selecting candidates to be interviewed
Select candidates to be interviewed from the list by clicking "Add"
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