How to send a commercial & residential contact from FollowUp to Foundation | Scribe

How to send a commercial & residential contact from FollowUp to Foundation

  • Caleb Varghese |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • FollowupcrmFollowupcrm
For commercial, click Companies.
Select the Company you'd like to push to Foundation
Notice the custom customer number is greyed out because Custom Customer # + Autogenerate is turned on in the settings. In this case, FollowUp will pick up the highest number on Foundation, increment it by one, and create a customer on Foundation, and enter that number here in the greyed out field. (If Custom Customer # is turned on without Autogenerate, then this field WILL NOT be greyed out, and you will need to enter a customer # here. If custom # is not turned on, then the Company ID from the URL will be sent as the customer # to Foundation, while creating customer)
Click "Push To Foundation" on the contact you would like to Push (only one contact can be pushed at a time. If another contact is pushed once a contact is already pushed/synced to/with Foundation, the old customer info will be replaced with the new contact being pushed)
Customer with Autogenerated Customer # is pushed to Foundation
The autogenerated Foundation customer number is stored in this field. It is greyed out as Autogenerate Custom # is turned on in the settings.
To push a Residential contact, click "Contacts"
Click "Contacts" from the dropdown.
Select the Residential contact to Sync
Click "Push To Foundation" (Note that this button will be available on for Residential Contacts)
Your contact is now pushed as customer to Foundation with the autogenerated customer number (highest customer number on Foundation +1)
The Foundation customer number is stored in this field. (It is greyed out as Custom Customer Number + Autogenerate is turned on)
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