Clinic CPAR submissions | Scribe

    Clinic CPAR submissions

    • Rhonda Blair |
    • 16 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • AvaemrAvaemr
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    You must have Automated CPAR enabled at your clinic and in your position for the following steps to work. Your Primary Care Network (PCN) can usually set this up for you or help you with the paperwork. For details please contact our support team at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

    Submitting Panels to CPAR

    Navigate to the *Panel* tab at the top of the dashboard and select *Panel Profiles* from the drop-down menu.
    Click on the plus + icon to generate a new panel profile.
    Fill out the required fields on the *Panel Profile* pop-up window that appears. - Enter a List Title - Select a Specialty from the *Specialty* drop-down For Automated CPAR panel profiles, you can only use one of the following specialties: Family Medicine, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics, Peds, GP, RN
    Then, select 1 or more Location
    Then, select 1 or more Location
    Select a Practitioner
    Select a Practitioner
    Select "Primary" checkbox
    Select "Primary" checkbox
    Select "Patient Statuses" if needed and then "Save"
    Select "Patient Statuses" if needed and then "Save"
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    To select multiple locations, hold the *ctrl* button while clicking each desired location on the list. You can also do this to select multiple practitioners.
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    All selected practitioners must have automated CPAR enabled for their position at each of the selected clinics. e.g. If clinic A and clinic B are selected, and practitioner A and practitioner B are selected, practitioner A and B both need to have CPAR enabled at both clinic A and B.
    Navigate to the intended panel list and click on the *Open List* icon.
    Click on the Automated CPAR Settings button.
    Enter the required information into each field. - Enter the Panel Number - Enter a Site Name (usually the clinic name or the name used to register for automated CPAR submissions) - Enter a Facility ID - Check the *Activate Automated Submission* checkbox - Click on the *Update Automated CPAR Settings* button
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    You may update the Panel Name to include the Panel Number received from Alberta Health for reference purposes.
    A green check mark indicates that automated CPAR has been activated and the panel will be submitted automatically.
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    There are several key pieces of information that need to be present in a patient's chart in order for that patient to be included on CPAR panel submissions. A patient may be excluded from CPAR if any of the following are true: - Patient “Confirmed” status/date is blank - Patient has not had a previous appointment with their provider - Patient does not have a provincial healthcare number - Patient sex is blank or unknown - Patient is marked as confidential - Patient has a "prevent_cii_submissions" permission created on their chart - Patient has a birthday set to after their last confirmed date

    Excluding entire charts from Netcare submissions

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    Please note that this option will opt the patient out of CII encounters, CII consults and CPAR panel submissions.
    Click on "Clinic Policies" (found under the Reminders section of the patient's chart)