How to set up your email integration with Microsoft 365 | Scribe

    How to set up your email integration with Microsoft 365

    • 24 steps
    • SmartglazierSmartglazier

    Microsoft 365 Account Configuration

    Follow the instructions in the linked guide below to configure your Microsoft 365 account settings for the email integration. [Microsoft 365 Email Integration: Required Setting Changes]( If you don't have access to the Azure Portal and/or the Microsoft 365 Admin Centre, give these instructions to whoever manages your IT and ask them to complete these steps before proceeding.

    Smart Glazier Settings

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    Tip! If you don't have access to edit all of the settings below, you will need someone from your team with ''Admin'' rights to complete these steps for you. To complete the integration, you also need to know if your Microsoft 365 account is set up to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
    Click the menu icon, then select **"Settings"**
    Click the menu icon, then select **"Settings"**
    Click the **"Search"** field. Type **"email smtp".**
    Click **"Email SMTP Host"**
    Type ** into the **"Site Value"** field. Click **"Save".**
    Click **"Email SMTP Port''**
    Type *587* into the **"Site Value"** field. Click **"Save"**

    Use a shared email address for all users

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    Tip! Follow the steps below to set up email integration using one *shared* email address, for all your users. To set up *separate* email integrations for each user, allowing them to email from *individual* email addresses, [skip to Step #14](
    Click on **''Email SMTP Username''**
    Enter the shared email address into the **"Site Value"** field Click **"Save''**
    Click **''Email SMTP Password''**
    If you have multi-factor authentication turned on: - [Create an app password]( for the shared email address, copy the app password to your clipboard - Paste the app password into the **''Site Value''** field - Click **"Save''** If you do *NOT* have multi-factor authentication turned on: - Enter your password for the shared email address into the **''Site Value''** field - Click **"Save''**
    Click the menu icon, then select **"Users"**
    Click the menu icon, then select **"Users"**
    For each user listed in the table, enter the shared email address into the **''Email''** field.

    Use individual email addresses for each user

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    Tip! If you completed the above steps to set up a shared email address integration, [skip ahead to the last section](