How to use FOSS (ThinkLink) | Scribe

    How to use FOSS (ThinkLink)

    • Jeremy Marx
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    Throughout the year, teachers will sometimes exchange classes for a unit or two. Since this schedule change isn't captured in PowerSchool, it means that those new classes won't be associated with you in any Clever apps, including ThinkLink. Mike and Jeremy are happy to add you as a co-teacher to those classes, but need some time to do so. If you are going to be exchanging classes and would like to be added as a co-teacher in any Clever app, please email Mike and Jeremy at least a week in advance.

    Accessing FOSS

    Navigate to []( and sign in.
    Click "District Page"
    FOSS is located in ThinkLink, so click the ThinkLink icon.

    The Dashboard

    When you sign into ThinkLink, you'll see your FOSS dashboard. By default, the Courses tab will be open and it will list each of the modules that have been assigned to you.
    For each module, you'll be able to view details to find the resources associated with it and manage the course to open or hide access to resources to students. The code submission tool is not available until the 2023-24 school year.
    The classes tab will show you each of your classes and which course (module) has been assigned to them. Classes will only appear here if you are a teacher or co-teacher of the class in Clever. Clever receives this information from PowerSchool. So, if you do not see one of your classes listed, please reach out to Mike or Jeremy because you will need to be manually added as a co-teacher for the class.

    Preview Assignments

    To preview an assignment, from the courses tab in the dashboard, select a class for a given course or leave it at All Classes...
    Click the eye icon.
    Then you will see all the resources available for the course. You can click on a section to expand it, for example this investigation on Energy and Circuits.
    There may be subsections that can be open.
    And then you'll see the resources of the investigation. The box with the arrow (green circle) is used to open the resource in a new window. The icon with a link will copy the link to the resource so you can share it with another teacher. The open button will open the resource in the same window. You can also download the resource or view it in another language.

    Adding Courses

    To add a course to a class, in the navigation bar, click "USERS", "ORGANIZATIONS", "CLASSES"
    Select the class(es)
    Select a course