How to use Wooclap in PowerPoint | Scribe

    How to use Wooclap in PowerPoint

    • UM DLE FGB |
    • 14 steps |
    • 2 minutes

      Go to PowerPoint


      Go to Home


      Click Add-ins

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      In some PowerPoint versions, you might find the Add-in via Insert ➡️ Add-Ins ➡️ Get Add-ins. Search for "Wooclap" and click on Add.


      Search for Wooclap and click on the icon.


      Click Start


      Log in to your Institution


      Search for Maastricht University


      Log in with your UM username and password.

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      You can add single Wooclap questions to your PowerPoint presentation. It is not possible to show the whole event in one slide. You have to create multiple PowerPoint slides and add the questions separately.


      You can add a question from an existing event.


      To find existing questions, you can search through your events.


      You can use this arrow to go back to the list with all your events


      It is also possible to add a New question via the PowerPoint plug-in.

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      We do not recommend inserting questions from different events into the same PowerPoint file (participants will have to connect to another link during the presentation, and it may lead to confusion); We also do not recommend inserting the same question into the same PowerPoint file more than once (the second time you display the question, it will already contain answers and participants won't be able to answer the question a second time);


      You can add the How to Participate information to your first slide. This question can be found on the top of every event.


      Are you ready to share your presentation with your audience? You can click on the Play icon and the question will start.

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      Tips: The Message wall is not available through the PowerPoint add-in, but you could ask an open question to which the audience can respond in full sentences; You can't publish a Participant pace questionnaire from the PowerPoint add-in. You must log into your account and publish it from there The language of the PowerPoint add-in matches the one on your Wooclap account. You can modify it by going to the settings of your account.