How to use the Wetu | Dolphin Connector | Scribe

How to use the Wetu | Dolphin Connector

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  • WetuWetu

Open Dolphin Connector

Log into Wetu and enter your username and password to access your Dashboard. Once done, navigate to 'Connect' and select 'Bookings', which will take you through to the Wetu / Dolphin Connector screen.
This will take you through to the Wetu/Dolphin Connector containing a list of all folders sent to Wetu.
The connector screen will display all recently connected folders. You can search for your existing folders using the following methods: - Name - Search according to folder name as loaded in Dolphin. - Ref - Search according to folder reference as loaded in Dolphin.

Connect To Your Booking

In order to connect to a new folder, place the folders ref number in the below-provided block, and select “Connect”.
**NB: Your booking Folder needs to contain at least one Accommodation, in order to generate a Wetu Itinerary.**
Your mapping screen containing all your services for that booking will open. If there are services that still need to be mapped, the 'Mapping' Column will show 'Map Now' and there will be an orange Skip option on the top right-hand side. By selecting the 'Map Now' next to each service line you will be able to map the services. This [document]( will give you more information on mapping your services.

Itinerary Created Screen

Once all services are mapped and you have selected either the green Proceed or the orange skip option, the system will generate your itinerary and the Itinerary Created Screen will open allowing you to enter into the Itinerary Builder.
For more information on Dolphin [click here](
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