How to view insights on your Scribe | Scribe
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How to view insights on your Scribe

  • ScribeScribe
Navigate to any Scribe you're the creator of or have edit access to.
Click "Show Insights"
All users will see this document insights section on any Scribes they created or have edit access for. [[Total Views]] shows you total views by all teammates and guests, with a daily breakdown for the last month. [[Completions]] shows you every completion since we released the feature on Sept. 19, 2023. A completion is tracked when a user makes it to the very bottom of the Scribe. [[Completion Rate]] divides the total completions by unique views since Sept. 19, 2023.
This section shows you when the Scribe was created, by whom, and who it was last edited by.
Pro & Enterprise users can also see user-level insights for teammates and guests. [[Last Viewed]] tells you when the last time they viewed this Scribe was [[Completed in]] tells you how long it took them to complete the Scribe (you'll only see this if the person completed it) [[Completion]] shows you how far through the Scribe they made it
All non-teammate views will be tracked under "Guest Views." Progress and completion will be tracked starting Sept 19, 2023.
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