Image missing alt text description | Scribe

    Image missing alt text description

    • Carolyn Quintero |
    • 27 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • BoisestateBoisestate
    After logging into Monsido, select Policies from the navigation menu.
    Screenshot Policies navigation menu item
    Then select "Policy List" from the side navigation menu area.
    Screenshot policy list menu item
    Select the Filter button (located next to the search field).
    Screenshot filter button
    Select "Labels" from the filter list.
    Screenshot labels selected from filter list
    From the list of labels, locate and select "Accessibility Policies."
    Screenshot accessibility policies in list of labels
    Locate and select "Image missing alt text description" from the list of Accessibility Policies.
    Locate the number of policy hits at the end of the table row, and select the hyperlink.
    Screeshot, number of pages with policy hits
    Select the hyperlink for a page in the list. This will open the policy report for that page.
    Screenshot select hyperlink from list of pages with hits
    Locate the policy issue, "Image missing alt text description" and review the details about the issue.
    Screenshot policy issue description
    After reviewing the policy page report, select the Accessibility link from the navigation area to access the Accessibility page report.
    On the accessibility page report, you may see several issues related to images (img). Locate one of the issues. In this example, the issues is "a long description is used for each img elements that does not have alt text conveying the same information on the page."
    screenshot accessibility issue
    In the page details section, you'll find a thumbnail of the image along with a snippet of HTML. If necessary, select "show more" link to see the entire snippet.
    Screenshot, show more HTML snippet
    Review the HTML snippet and locate the alt attribute (alt). If the attribute is empty (alt="") then you need to add a brief description.
    screenshot empty alt attribute
    Select the "CMS" button to navigate to your WordPress site. If you are not already logged in, you may need to login first, then select the CMS button again.
    screenshot, CMS button
    Once in your WordPress editor, locate the image with the empty alt attribute and select the image.
    screenshot, wordpress editor
    Locate and select the Image properties button (pencil icon) to access the image properties page.
    Select the "Alternative Text" field and enter a brief description of the image. A good formula is to describe the object + action + context. For this image that may look like this: - Object = Students - Action = Holding instruments and a Treefort banner - Context = In front of the B statue Alternative text = [[Students pose with instuments and treefort banner in front of B statue]] **Tip**: do not add punctuation or non-essential information to the alt text description. Aim for 100 characters or less and do not duplicate content provided in the caption.
    Screenshot, image properties page with alternative text field highlighted
    Once you are done, select update to save the alternative text.
    Screenshot update image properties
    Then select Update from the Publish menu to finish saving the changes to your page.
    screenshot, update page under publish menu
    Back in Monsido, select the Fast Track button (looks like a road) for the image you just updated.
    screenshot fast track button