Import Donations from MyGiving Online (Excel/CSV) | Scribe

    Import Donations from MyGiving Online (Excel/CSV)

    • Gulfaran |
    • 19 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • MygivingMygiving
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Admin" > "Import" > "Excel / CSV"
    Click "Select Charity..." and choose the charity the donations are for
    Click "Select Branch..." and choose the branch the donations should be recorded under
    You then need to select the fields from the list on the left hand side and move them to the right in the order they appear in the file being imported.
    Based on the example above the order would be: Reference, Amount, DonationDate and ClaimTax
    You can move the fields from the left to right by double clicking on the desired field or using the buttons between the 2 lists
    You can move one field at a time by selecting the field and then clicking the ">" button between the list or ">>" to move all fields from left to right. You can do the opposite with the "<" and "<<" buttons.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! The fields in red are required fields and must be included in the file you are importing, the rest are optional.
    Click "Choose File" and select the file with the donations that you wish to import
    Click this checkbox if the first row in the file has headings and does not contain donation information
    Click "Show Donations"
    MyGiving will try to locate the donor the donation belongs to based on the reference field. If a donor cannot be found you will see a separate list containing the references and donation information which the message "Donor Reference not found"
    Below the list of unidentified donors, if any, you will see a list of the donors it was able to identify.
    If any of the donations in the file had an empty reference they are imported as anonymous
    Select the donations to import using the checkbox to the left of each row.
    Alternatively click this checkbox to select all donations
    The control total will display the total amount of the selected donations
    Enter this in the box above the donations to confirm it is the amount you were expecting
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! You can enter the control total before selecting donations if you know the sum of the donations you wish to import