Import Donors from Excel or CSV to MyGiving Online | Scribe

    Import Donors from Excel or CSV to MyGiving Online

    • Gulfaran |
    • 15 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Admin" > "Import" > "Donors from Excel / CSV"
    Click "Select Charity..." and choose the charity you wish to import the donors under
    Click "Select Branch..." and choose the branch under the charity you have selected to record the donors against
    Below is a screenshot from the file we will be importing.
    Based on the file we need to select the fields in the order they appear: Reference, Forenames, Surname, Street, City and Postcode, moving them from the left hand side to the right.
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    Alert! The fields in red are required fields and must be included in the file you are importing, the rest are optional. In addition to the fields in red you must provide either a house name or street name.
    You can move the fields from the left to right by double clicking on the desired field or using the buttons between the 2 lists
    Moves the selected field in the direction of the arrow
    Moves all fields from one list to the other depending on the direction of the arrow
    If you have made a mistake with the order of the fields on the right hand side you can rearrange them using the up and down buttons below the list
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    Alert! If you have any additional columns that are not listed in your excel document you will need to remove these before completing the import
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    Tip! The default method, purpose or envelope number you assign a donor in the file do not have to be present in MyGiving.Online before the import. If you enter a method, purpose or envelope number that does not already exist they will automatically be created for you upon a successful import.
    Click "Choose File..." and select the file containing your donor information
    Click "Show Donors"
    A list of the donors found in the file will be listed for you to review. Click the checkbox to the left of the donors that you wish to import.
    Alternatively if you want to import all the donors you can click this checkbox to save you selecting each donor individually
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    Tip! If you see any rows highlighted in red there is likely an issue with the information in one of the columns. This will usually happen if the order of the headings do not match the order provided to MyGiving in step 6. Please contact our support line on 01902 714030 for further assistance if you have trouble identifying the problem
    Click "Import Donors" when you are happy with your selection and your records will then be available under "Donors" > "View and edit donors"