Importing and Exporting Touch Plans in BILLIONS | Scribe
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    Importing and Exporting Touch Plans in BILLIONS

    • JoinbillionsJoinbillions
    Click here.
    Type "import"
    Click "Import Touch Plan(s)"
    Click "Export Touch Plan(s)"
    An excel file will download with all of the current plans & steps. In the excel file, delete all plans & steps except the one(s) you want to duplicate.
    The first column "name" is the name of each *step* in the plan. These names must be unique so change them for your new plans.
    The third column "touch plan name" is the name over the overall plan. Rename this for each step to your new plan name.
    Save your file as a CSV
    Click "Upload Files" & drag and drop your csv file.
    Check to make sure your new plans & steps imported properly.
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