Include Grants in Contributions Reporting | Scribe

    Include Grants in Contributions Reporting

      Including Grants in Contributions Reporting

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      There is no automatic way to sort by whether a contribution comes from a grant/grant-maker in a Contributions Report. However, you may want to quickly view whether a gift is grant funding while carrying out regular financial reporting or during a thank you process. Options for work-arounds are below, including: 1. Creating a grants-specific source code 2. Creating a grants-specific general ledger fund 3. Create a grants-specific Revenue Stream and apply it to your source codes All of these fields will appear in a Contributions Report, and you can use any or all of these to view by grant status. For more on revenue streams and how to connect them to source codes see the EA help article [How to: Set up and use Revenue Streams]( See the [Soft Credits]( course for more on including attributed gifts in thank yous or for general steps on creating and applying source codes.

      Create a Grants-Specific Source Code

      Option 1: To create a grant-specific source code, type "source" in the lefthand search bar. Click SOURCE CODES when it populates.
      Click ADD NEW SOURCE CODE in the upper right corner.
      Click NAME to create your own "parent" source code by adding a name that denotes grant funding. Leave the dropdown next to Parent empty; otherwise it will make your new source code a "child" of that "parent" source code instead of creating a new parent. Click DESCRIPTION to add an explanation for future reference.
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      After you finish adding this parent source code, it will appear in the search when you click PARENT. See more below about creating sub-source codes, or "children."
      Click into any other fields to add additional tracking information. Make sure the Availability Status is set to APPLICABLE/SEARCHABLE so you and others on your team can add this source code to new contributions. Click SAVE when done.
      Follow the same steps to add a new sub-source code. \ \ Click PARENT and search for the broad grant source code you just created. Check the box to add it as the parent source code.
      Click NAME and follow the same steps to add the "child" source code. There is no limit to how many "children" source codes you have. For example, add things "Major Foundations" and "Community Funds" as children source codes under the "Grants" parent source code to further track how you receive funding.
      You can now apply the grants-specific source code to any contributions made by a grantor or organization with a Grants Plan.

      Create a Grants-Specific General Ledger Fund

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      For more on General Ledger Funds see the EA help article [How to: Use General Ledger Funds and Cost Centers](
      Option 2: To create a grant-specific general ledger fund, type "general" in the left-hand search bar. Click GENERAL LEDGER FUNDS when it populates.
      Click GENERAL LEDGER FUND NAME to add a broad grant-related name. Click GENERAL LEDGER FUND DESCRIPTION to add an explanation for future reference. Make sure the Status is set to ACTIVE. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page to create a grant-specific general ledger fund.
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      Your new general ledger fund for grants can now be applied to source codes as well as to individual contributions.
      Apply the general ledger fund to a source code in the "Additional Settings" section when creating or updating a source code.
      Alternatively, apply the grants-specific general ledger fund to any contributions made by a grantor or organization with a Grants Plan.
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      To learn how to manually add or update a contribution, see this EA help article: [How to: Add contributions to contact records](