Issuing Submittal Items for Review | Scribe

    Issuing Submittal Items for Review

    • 11 steps
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    **Your level of access for managing Submittal Items is based on your assigned Role in the Review Workflow for the CSI Code a Submittal Item is in. Your Role must be Submittal Administrator to issue a Submittal Item to the Review Workflow.** 
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    **This Role is typically assigned to the GC / Construction Manager.**

    Upload Submittal Items Role Assigned to a CSI Code

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    **When this Role is NOT assigned the Submittal Administrator will create Submittal Items and upload related submittal files.** 
    Click the "CSI Code"
    Click the "Submittal Item"
    The Log Status will be Open when there are files to review before issuing the item to the Review Workflow. 
    Click "Review Submission"
    Click here to edit if needed
    Click this checkbox to select the files.
    Click "Download" to download the files.
    Click "Copy to My Review" to Copy the files from Upload Submittal Items to your Review Submission location.
    Click here to upload files that are ready for review.
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    **You do not need to upload files to your Review Submission location if the files in Upload Submittal Items do not need to be modified and are ready for review.**
    Click "Add" to add any remarks to assist during the review.
    Click "Submit"