JSTOR: Export to EndNote | Scribe

    JSTOR: Export to EndNote

    • SDC Library |
    • 0 step |
    • 60 seconds

      Direct Export

      Create a search in [JSTOR](https://www.jstor.org/?saml_data=eyJzYW1sVG9rZW4iOiI4Y2Q3OTNmMi1iYzNhLTQ4MzItYWYzNC02ZWI5MGFhYjdjNGIiLCJpbnN0aXR1dGlvbklkcyI6WyIxMDk1NWQ2YS1kMjQ2LTQyODMtYWNlNS03ZTVhMGI3ODkwZTgiXX0)
      Mark individual records you wish to export by clicking on the check boxes to the left of each record.
      Click the **Cite** pulldown menu.
      Select **Export a RIS file**
      Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.

      Bulk Export

      There is no option to select **all results** however you can select multiple records to export at once to EndNote following the steps above.
      This Scribe is in tip-top shape!Leave feedback if there are any issues with this Scribe