*Joonto - Web UI - Text and Call Dialer | Scribe

    *Joonto - Web UI - Text and Call Dialer

    • Brenda Jensen |
    • 9 steps |
    • 10 minutes
    • JoontoJoonto
    Navigate to [https://dashboard.joonto.com/](https://dashboard.joonto.com/)
    In your Profile & Preference dropdown, scroll to the bottom and you can download the Joonto Click-to-Dial Chrome extension.
    You can click pin to your dashboard, then use the cogs to log in to the extension. Web settings can be adjusted by right clicking on the Joonto extension logo .
    **Sending a Text/SMS** You can send/receive from the Joonto Dashboard OR Chrome Extension: On the dashboard, to the left of your profile settings, you will see a message bubble which will pull up **TEXT messaging**. Click on that to start a text thread.
    If the person you want to text is in your contacts, use the search bar to find them. If starting a new text thread, select the "**\+**" sign to **Input Phone Numbers**, then click on **Submit**.
    The top line in the text box will show the number you're texting. Go to the bottom box and enter your message and hit **Send**
    Messages on the WebUI will not show up on your phone. Messages sent from your phone will not show up on the WebUI. All messages will show up in your CRM if you have a CRM integration.
    **Making a call:** In the dashboard, to the left of your profile settings, you will see a Handset Icon. Click on that to open your web dialer. You can select the handset in your Chrome Extension to initiate or receive a call as well.
    Enter the number you're calling and click Dial. For inbound calls, you will hear ringing and see the handset turn green, Click on the handset to answer your call.