Kubernetes Journey - Create a Deployment and a Service | Scribe

    Kubernetes Journey - Create a Deployment and a Service

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 35 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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    Refer to this guide to learn How to create a GKE cluster\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Kubernetes_Journey__Creating_a_GKE_Cluster__V1ghk2_MQNWb0oZ28v6dIQ>
    Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
    Type "**Kubernetes Clusters**" in the search bar and click on the **Kubernetes Clusters** option
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    **What are Kubernetes Clusters?**\ \ **Kubernetes Clusters** are collections of nodes that run containerized applications managed by Kubernetes. A cluster includes a master node that orchestrates and manages the overall cluster and worker nodes that run the containerized applications. Clusters enable the deployment, scaling, and management of applications, ensuring high availability, efficient resource utilization, and automated recovery from failures.
    **Kubernetes clusters** wizard will open, click on the Name "**my-cluster**"
    Click on the **Activate Cloud Shell** button on the top right side
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    **What is Cloud Shell?**\ \ **Cloud Shell** is a browser-based command-line tool provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It offers a pre-configured, secure environment with access to a shell, essential tools, and utilities for managing GCP resources. Cloud Shell includes a code editor, terminal access, and integrated GCP SDKs, allowing you to perform tasks such as managing cloud resources, deploying applications, and running scripts directly from your browser without needing local setup.
    **CLOUD SHELL Terminal** wizard will open, click on the **Open Editor** button on the right side
    Wait until your Cloud Shell machine is provisioned and connected
    Click on the **Open in new window** icon on the top right side
    Click on the **My Kubernetes Project** dropdown
    **Select a project** wizard will open, copy the **ID** of Name **My Kubernetes Project**
    Go back to the **Cloud Shell** tab
    Type the command "**gcloud config set project my-kubernetes-project-430502**"
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    **What is the command [[gcloud config set project my-kubernetes-project-430502]]?**\ \ The command `gcloud config set project my-kubernetes-project-430502` sets the active project for the `gcloud` CLI to "my-kubernetes-project-430502". This means that any subsequent `gcloud` commands will operate on this specified project by default, making it easier to manage and interact with resources within that project.
    Authorize Cloud Shell wizard will open, click on the **AUTHORIZE** button
    Go back to the **Kubernetes Engine** tab
    Click on the **CONNECT** button on the top right side
    **Connect to the cluster** wizard will open, on the **Command-line access** section click on the **Copy to clipboard** widget
    Go back to the **Cloud Shell** tab