Kubernetes Journey - The End | Scribe

    Kubernetes Journey - The End

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 2 steps |
    • 7 seconds
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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    Please review the previous lab on Exploring Kubernetes Deployments with YAML Declarative Configurations before proceeding with this lab. <https://scribehow.com/shared/Exploring_Kubernetes_Deployments_with_YAML_Declarative_Configurations__XX33tRYdScuiv9pp1BrovQ>
    On the **Cloud Shell CLI**, type the command [[gcloud container node-pools list --zone-us-central1-c --cluster-my-cluster]]
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    **What is [[gcloud container node-pools list --zone-us-central1-c --cluster-my-cluster]]command?**\ \ The command `gcloud container node-pools list --zone=us-central1-c --cluster=my-cluster` lists all the node pools within the specified Kubernetes cluster named `my-cluster` in the `us-central1-c` zone. This command provides information about the node pools, including their names, statuses, and configurations, helping you manage and inspect the different sets of nodes within the cluster.
    Information of Node pool is displayed
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    **What is a Node Pool in GCP?** A node pool in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a group of nodes within a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster that have the same configuration. Nodes are the machines, either virtual or physical, that run the containerized applications and other workloads in your Kubernetes cluster.
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    Congratulations! on completing this lab and here your Kubernetes Journey Ends