Landing Page Media | Scribe

Landing Page Media

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  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

To change your Landing Page Media you will need to be in the 'Additional Details Step' of the Itinerary Builder.

Managing Landing Page Images

To change your Landing Page Media you will need to be in the 'Additional Details Step' of the Itinerary Builder. \ \ Navigate to the Landing Page Media, which appears in the bottom right of the screen
Click on the 'orange' button below to upload images **.** The Landing Page Gallery pop-up window will appear.
**Wetu Suggests**: Image quality is very important for Landing Page Images to look attractive. The recommended image size is 1920 x 1080 px and between 550 kb and 4 Mb
**Uploading Images** New Landing Page Images for your Itinerary can be uploaded in two ways: - You can drag and drop images from your computer's file manager onto the drag and drop zone in the Itinerary Builder - Alternatively, you can click on 'upload images' and upload images from your computer's file manager by selecting the images (CTRL + select for >1 image) and then clicking 'open'
**Note:** The images you upload in the Landing Page Gallery have now become the landing page images for your itinerary, they replace all images that would have come from the accommodations and destinations in your itinerary. If you have a Landing Page Cover Image uploaded to the theme you have used for your itinerary it will appear in the Landing Page Gallery.
The images will appear in the Landing Page Gallery window. Each image could have **four icons** on it. **Warning Icon**\ The top-left icon is the 'warning' icon. This will provide information about the quality of the image you have uploaded with reference to the suggested 1920 x 1080 px / 550 kb to 4MB size. **Drag and Move**\ The bottom-left icon is the 'drag or move' icon. If you have several landing page images, you can alter the order of their appearance using this drag function. **Delete Icon**\ The red trash can first from the right is the 'delete' icon. Use this to delete unwanted images from both the Landing Page Image Gallery and the Archive. **Hide Option**\ Should you not want a certain image to be displayed on the landing page slideshow, you can select the hide option to not make it visible. Once you have all the images you would like to appear on the landing pages of your itinerary laid out in the desired order in your Landing Page Image Gallery, click 'Save'
A confirmation banner will appear at the top of the Itinerary Builder window. Wetu will also display all of the thumbnails of the images that you have uploaded to the Landing Page Media. To see what your new Landing Page Image selection looks like on your Itinerary, click on the 'preview itinerary' icon and then click 'view itinerary'.

Managing Landing Page Moving Images

Navigate to the Landing Page Media, which appears in the bottom right of the screen
Click on the 'orange' button below to upload your video. The Landing Page Gallery pop-up window will appear. Select the 'Video' tab.
In the Video URL box, paste the URL of your YouTube or Vimeo video to your itinerary landing page and then click on the 'Embed Video' button. Once you have embedded the video, you will see that Wetu provides you with a preview of the video that you have uploaded. This is for you to ensure that it is the correct video.  If you have uploaded the incorrect URL, you can click on the 'Delete' button to remove the video and then proceed to upload the correct one. 
**Note:** This feature is to display moving images or a short video, therefore, once the video has been embedded, there will be no sound included on the landing page. 
In the event that you have uploaded both Landing Page Images and a Landing Page Moving Image, you will be able to toggle between which you want to use on your itinerary by selecting the desired radio button at the top right-hand side. 
Alternatively, you can always toggle between the radio buttons without entering the Landing Page Media screen again. 
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