Learn Ultra enrolment for Health and Safety courses. | Scribe

Learn Ultra enrolment for Health and Safety courses.

    • EdEd
    Navigate to [https://www.learn.ed.ac.uk/ultra/course](https://www.learn.ed.ac.uk/ultra/course)
    Click "Course Catalogue"
    Type the name of the course you are looking for, or key words in the title, Check this [page](https://health-safety.ed.ac.uk/training/portfolio/course-overview) on the Health and Safety website if you are unsure of the correct course name.
    Make sure that the course has the word **ultra** in the course id and the description states: ***[[This is the current course, provided for students, by the Health and Safety department.]]***
    Click on the grey down arrow.
    A drop down window will open. Select enrol.
    A new window will open, click the submit button,
    A new window will open to confirm your enrollment, click OK if you want to start the course straight away. If not, exit the window to return to the course catalogue.
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