Learning Center: Manual Completion of Sections | Scribe

    Learning Center: Manual Completion of Sections

    • Shelly Cronin |
    • 22 steps |
    • 2 minutes

      Download Blackboard Grade Book


      To make entering scores easier. Go into Blackboard and download your grade center offline report. First click the Go to LMS option shown under the Home menu.


      Click the button for AAPC Production


      From your My Courses area click the course you are marking completions.


      Click "Grade Center" from the Course Management Menu


      Click "Full Grade Center" or Only Available Users depending on what will work best for you.


      Click "Work Offline" Option


      Click Download option from the drop-down.


      Click "Submit button" no other settings need to be changed.


      Click "Download button"


      Click "Ok" at the bottom of the page to return to the Grade Center view

      Bulk Completion Steps


      From your admin view in the Learning Center. Search for the section containing learners who need to be marked as complete.

      From your admin view in the Learning Center. Search for the section containing learners who need to be marked as complete.
      information ordinal icon

      Tip! If you have only one section in your affiliation you can go straight to the section using the Sections option in your left-hand menu.


      Click "Active Enrollments"


      Check the boxes next to the learners you wish to mark as Complete. You can also check the Check All box if need to check them all.

      Check the boxes next to the learners you wish to mark as Complete. You can also check the Check All box if need to check them all.

      Once you have all the learners you need to mark complete selected. Click the "Complete selected" button at the bottom of the webpage.


      Using the Search Criteria filters at the top of the page. Set the Period option to "Today".

      Using the Search Criteria filters at the top of the page.
Set the Period option to "Today".

      Score Editing


      To edit the score showing on the Learners Dashboard click the "Enrollment History" menu option.