Listing Settings - web (OLD) | Scribe

    Listing Settings - web (OLD)

      • SentrilockSentrilock
      • StripeStripe
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      Navigate to the Listings page and then the click on the listing you want to edit.
      Appointment Settings enables Showing Service users to configure settings that will apply to a specific listing
      **Overlapping Appointments:** Enable the 'Overlapping Appointments' setting by toggling it on to allow for overlapping appointments (i.e., two appointments at the same time).
      **Scheduling Link for Out of Area Agents:** You can generate a unique URL to provide an Out of Area Agent a way to schedule an appointment on your listing. The Showing Agent will be required to provide basic contact information that is provided ot you in the appointment confirmation request
      **Temporarily Hold Showing Requests:** You may need to temporarily suspend showings. To do this, simply toggle the setting on, which will prevent agents from scheduling appointments for your listing.
      **Auto Confirm Rule:** This setting allows appointments scheduled within a certain window to be autoconfirmed. Create a rule by clicking the "Add Auto Confirm Rule" button.
      In the Add Showing Rules form, select the type of of rule: Time Rule or All Day Rule.
      Now, choose whether it is a one-time or repeating rule.
      Example of an All Day Rule
      Example of a Time Rule
      Enter in the start and end times and dates for the Time Rule. If a repeating rule, select the days the rule is to be enforced. Then click "Save"
      **Appointment Restrictions:** Additionally, you can implement an appointment restriction here. Enabling this feature will prevent appointments from being scheduled during specific sets of rules that you can configure.
      **Appointment Mode:** Tap on the dropdown box to select the appointment mode you want to enable.
      - **Confirm with Any**: Only one contact has to confirm the appontment request. - **Confirm with All:** All will be required to confirm an appointment request - **Go and Show:** All appointment requests will be auto confirmed. *When Go and Show is enabled then auto confirm rules and appointment restrictions are disabled and cannot be toggled on.*
      **Maximum Appointment length for Showing:** Selecting a time from the dropdown menu allows you to limit those submitting an appointment request from scheduling a showing that exceeds the chosen duration for this listing. You can establish a maximum length for your showings, ranging from 15 to 120 minutes
      **Advance Notice Required:** Choosing a time from the dropdown menu enables you to set a minimum advanced showing notice for your listings. Once this selection is made, showing agents will only be able to schedule appointments that provide the listing agent with the required notice.
      **When a Listing Goes Pending:** Lastly, you can choose whether you want the system to automatically cancel or retain appointments if the listing goes into a Pending status.
      Save your changes by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page.

      Edit Showing Instructions for a Listing