Logging Activities | Scribe

    Logging Activities

    • Laura DiNitto |
    • 9 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    Log onto Avionte Front Office.
    Search the Candidate's Name.
    Click "Log Activity"
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    If you don't see "Log Activity", click on the arrow from the last option to open up the dropdown menu and select "Log Activity"
    Select the activity you want to log.
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    The following activities are required to be logged for every employee/candidate entered in the system: Assignment Accepted Call Completed Email Sent Hotlisted Interviewed Note Sent Text Message
    Please provide notes on the activity in the space provided at the bottom of the page
    If you want to email the candidate the activity check the email check box.
    The Calendar check box allows you to send a meeting invite. You may want to use this when scheduling an interview with the candidate.
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    IMPORTANT: If you do not check the email box, whatever you write in the bottom will be added as a comment for the activity.
    Click "Submit".
    When an activity is logged to a candidate it will record the email on the candidates profile under the activities tab.
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    You're Ready!