Logging into Departments and/or Call Centers | Scribe

    Logging into Departments and/or Call Centers

    • Stephanie Sava |
    • 3 steps |
    • 5 seconds
    • DialpadDialpad
    If you need to log into only 1 department, toggle the Do Not Disturb button to turn it off for that department. When the Do Not Disturb button is toggled on, you will not receive calls for that department or cell center. When you need to receive calls (log in), turning it off will let the system know that you are available for calls.
    If you need to log into more than one department (Family Practice & Peds reception, for example), you’ll go to “Operators” in one of the departments and click the drop-down under your name. Change your DND status on/off for each department as needed.
    \*If you are part of a call center, also change your status from “Off-Duty” to “Available”