Logging into NextPath as a Caregiver for the first time | Scribe

    Logging into NextPath as a Caregiver for the first time

    • 11 steps |
    • 30 seconds
    • NextpathNextpath
    ### Go to NextPath On any device (phone, computer, or tablet) with an internet browser, type [**nextpath.app**](http://nextpath.app) and press enter. Caregivers can log in securely and easily by selecting your Gmail or Microsoft Outlook account shared with the district, or by entering another email to receive a one-time "magic link." No username or password is needed!
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    **Tip!** If the email you provided during enrollment is a Gmail or Microsoft Outlook account, simply select it to log in. Skip to Step 8!
    ### Log In **If you use Gmail or Microsoft Outlook:** - Click the Gmail or Outlook button and select your email. - Skip to Step 8! **If you use a different email:** - Click "Log in with email."
    **Enter the email address you gave the school**\ *Only needed if using something other than Gmail or Outlook*
    **Click the arrow button to receive a one-time "magic link."**\ *Only needed if using something other than Gmail or Outlook*
    An email has been sent to the provided email
    ### Check Your Email Look for an email from NextPath in your inbox.
    ### Open the Email Click the ***"Sign in to NextPath***" link in the email.
    ### Confirm Information Once signed in, click "Next" to start confirming your child(ren)’s details.
    ### Enter Your Child’s Details - Enter your child’s **birthday**. - Enter the **first letter** of their first name. - Enter their **last name**. - Click "**Finish."**
    When the information matches school records, you'll see a message confirming your child is linked to your account
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    Important! If you have more than one child, repeat Step 9 for each child.
    Once the process is complete, you’ll see any important documents or updates. If nothing needs attention, you’ll be taken to NextPath to explore more information about your child.