Login Using Two-Factor Authentication (Foster Care/Residential) | Scribe

Login Using Two-Factor Authentication (Foster Care/Residential)

  • Content Team |
  • 0 step |
  • 6 seconds
  • ExtendedreachExtendedreach
Navigate to [login.extendedreach.com](http://login.extendedreach.com) and enter your user email and password.
After you will receive a pop-up and be prompted to enter in a code sent to your mobile phone or email.
Depending on the settings enabled by your system administrator you may or may not see the option to select *Remember this computer.*
Unless the *Remember this computer* option is selected, the two-factor token is valid until the web browser is shut down.
Enter the code sent and click **Verify.** You will then be login to your extendedReach account.
You can opt for the code to be sent to an email address by clicking on **Resend Code**. If there is not a number entered into your Staff Profile, it will send to the email address in your User ID.
Select where you would like the code sent.
If the wrong code is entered you will receive a warning message and will not be able to login.
If this occurs reach out to your agency system administrator for assistance.
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